Before leaving, Impmon asks for Jeri's forgiveness in killing Leomon and she grants it to his surprise. The Tamers digimon suddenly change to their in-training forms and are forced to return to the Digital World.

The Tamers try to figure a way out and are suddenly rescued by Kazu, Kenta, Guardromon, MarineAngemon and Lopmon and escape and the D-Reaper is fully sucked into the wormhole and devolves. Unfortunatly, the Red Card's effects wear off and the Megas de-digivolve, but Guilmon flings Takato to Jeri and the two are finally reunited. Jeri and Calumon are not there anymore as they escaped and Calumon somehow protects them with a forcefield.
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Gallantmon Crimson Mode comes into conflict with the Jeri Agent and he finally destroys her before arriving at the cracked Kernel Sphere. As the vortex is going at the speed of light, the Juggernaut reverses it causing a minture Big Bang and a reverse time effect in it which will devolve the D-Reaper and send it back to the Digital World. The Juggernaut program is revealed to be in MegaGargomon and he activates it in the wormhole vortex. However, the Digimon Sovereigns suddenly appear and drag the Cable Reaper back to the Digital World where they apparently destroy it. In a last attempt Sakuyamon gives all of her power to Justimon who then inserts it into his blade and cuts the Cable Reaper but it proves to be in vain as it regenarates. Gallantmon in his new form seems to be making some headway. Grani sacrifices itself and enables Gallantmon to become Gallantmon Crimson Mode. Grani then approaches him asking if he wants wings to fly. Gallantmon tries to reach the top of the Mother D-Reaper but falls. Suddenly a Dig-Nome grants Ai and Mako a Digivice which heals Impmon and officially confirms the two as his tamers. Impmon, Ai and Mako escape the city on a bus, but Impmon is seriously injured and doesn't know if he'll survive. Outside, some cops are attacked by an Agent but they're rescued by Kazu, Kenta, Guardromon and MarineAngemon who are then surronded by police (its never explained how they get away). Jeri's own determination boosted by Calumon causes her to start to fight again and the Kernel Sphere is cracked by her Digivice although Chaos Mass starts to flow in. Sakuyamon destroys some of the Agents which frees Jeri. The D-Reaper opens a wormhole connecting it to the D-Reaper in the Digital World and summons the Cable Reaper. At Hypnos, everybody is working on Operation Doodlebug that is supposed to revert the D-Reaper to its original harmless form using the Juggernaut program. The Tamers enter the D-Reaper to fight and to rescue Jeri. "Destruction of the Capitol! Culumon's Wish" She eventually tries to reach Beelzemon, but its too late and the Kernel Sphere closes up again and Beelzemon is struck down by the D-Reaper and falls towards the Chaos Mass. Finally Beelzemon manages to break through to Jeri by using Leomon's Fist of the Beast King attack (its indicated with the help of Leomon's spirit) and Jeri finally wakes up, but grows depressed when she realizes its Beelzemon and not Leomon coming to save her. Asaji leads Takato's entire class in cheering him on once she sees this.
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The shots of the kids inside the Digimon is somehow broadcast on live TV and Ms. During the battle, the adults learn the truth of the Bio-Merging and are shocked. Kazu and Kenta are nearly killed, but are saved by Antylamon. He's joined by Gallantmon who manages to use Grani's Yugooth Blaster to destroy the Agent guarding it. Meanwhile, Beelzemon, released by the D-Reaper, tries to break open the kernel sphere in which Jeri is with no results. "Taiketsu Sūtsēmon! Sentogarugomon Kyūkyoku Shinka" "Battle with Zhuqiaomon! SaintGalgomon, Ultimate Evolution" Beelzemon remembers his own Tamers and leaves regretting his actions.

Gallantmon goes to kill him, but Jeri stops him as it won't bring Leomon back. Once that's done, Gallantmon blasts Beelzemon with his Shield of the Just, finally defeating him. Beelzemon's attacks do no damage to him after that and he runs out of ammo. Beelzemon beats down Gallantmon and is about to kill him, but Guardromon and Kazu intervene and buy Gallantmon enough time to recover. Before Chatsuramon can do more, Gallantmon destroys him, taking out the last Deva, but Beelzemon absorbs his data which makes him stronger. Chatsuramon goes to kill Suzie and Lopmon, but Terriermon takes the hit, saving them and mortally injuring him. Meanwhile, the Sovereign sends his last Deva Chatsuramon to destroy Lopmon for being a traitor. During the battle, Gallantmon destroys Behemoth and rescues Kazu and Kenta which causes them to realize that Takato has merged with Guilmon. Gallantmon faces Beelzemon in a tough one-on-one battle.